The commodity shall be inspected prior to shipment either at the premises of the supplier and/or at the port of loading and/or port of discharge. The inspection shall seek to ensure strict conformity of the commodity with the agreed upon specifications.
Our services are always adapted to our client’s need and include:
- Inspection and acceptance of ship holds, hatch covers, draught survey
- Establishment of intake/out turn weight by means of draft survey
- Sampling during entire loading and/or discharging operations and preparation of contractual samples
- Supervision throughout loading/discharging
- Speeding up loading and/or discharging operations
- Conducting neutral analysis
- Check of packing and marking
- Check of bag weight
- Damage assessment, if any
- Photographic reporting
- Daily reporting of events
- Certification of quality, quantity & condition
- Our spectrum of services covers the following agricultural products:
- Dry bulk cargoes
- Liquid bulk cargoes
- Bagged cargoes

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